Back Country Horsemen of Calif. Trailer Sign

GDETF will be joining BCHC for a combined work party, Friday April 21st, and BCHC Packing Clinic on Saturday April 22nd! Details below. If you are camping overnight with horses, THERE IS NO WATER AT DRU BARNER!!!

Please join us!!! There will be plenty to do to clean up after the storms. There are also downed trees that will need to be cut up and moved out of the campground. More details on the work party will follow.

Make sure you reserve your spot at the clinic and RSVP for Saturday lunch ($10) and the Friday and Sunday potlucks.

See you soon!!!

— Original BCHC Email —

Packing Clinic Flyer


The BCHC Mother Lode Unit’s 9th Annual Packing Clinic will be held on Saturday, April 22, 2023 at the Dru Barner Equestrian Campground, East of Georgetown, CA. (Flyer attached) The Clinic will include a Highline Demonstration, Stock Packing Demonstration, Discussion of Pack Saddle Types and hands-on instruction and practice. The Clinic will begin at 10:00 AM.

A Dutch Oven lunch will be available for $10 per person. (RSVP)

Advanced registration is necessary to ensure we have enough handouts and lunch. The Packing Clinic and Dutch Oven lunch will be in and around camp site #39. Bring a camp chair!


MLU will be joining forces with the Georgetown Divide Equestrian Trails Foundation (GDETF) to clean up the Dru Barner campground on Friday and as time permits throughout the weekend. GDETF does an amazing job of maintaining this campground and MLU wants to support their efforts!

If you have a pair of loppers, nippers, clippers, weed wackers, rake, etc, bring them along. Be sure to wear a long sleeved shirt, gloves and sturdy boots.

Saturday night there will be a joint potluck in the Group Kitchen Area! A Meat dish will be provided. (RSVP) Everyone will bring a side dish or dessert. If your last name starts with a letter from A to O, bring a side dish, and if you last name starts with a letter from P to Z, bring a dessert!


MLU’s monthly training rides are typically scheduled for the 4th weekend of each month. April’s ride will be in conjunction with the Packing Clinic.

Friday night there will be a general potluck dinner and Sunday morning there will be a general potluck breakfast. (RSVP)

Be sure to bring water for you and your stock as there is no water in camp.

There is a $3 Day Use Fee at Dru Barner, or you can camp for $8 per night. Go to for reservations.

Let us know if you are attending the Clinic, purchasing lunch, and/or participating in the potlucks!

Norma Kohlbaker
BCH Mother Lode Unit
(916) 205-6505