February Work Party 2022

Absolutely fantastic turnout for our work party – 3 tractors, several sawyers, lots of fantastic volunteers and a monster chipper! We must have moved at least 100 rounds out of the campsite along with neverending piles of slash! The Silver Loop trail was cleared of any impassable logs and pesky brush.

April Work Party Weekend 2022

Thank you to the wonderful GDETF volunteers who showed up for the April work party weekend. We got so much done: 4 new pens installed (cemented and welded in), replaced missing and broken campsite markers, cleaned out the fire rings, installed 6 tons of rock for the dumpster ramps, and cleaned up the group kitchen area. Back Country Horseman had a great training clinic and hosted a fabulous lunch for our workers. We were also joined by the Cosumnes River Horsemen’s Association. It was fun meeting so many new faces. GDETF topped the day off with a hosted potluck (Pulled pork sandwiches) and lots of goodies from the 3 groups. The campground looks amazing!!!